American Cappuccino

Cappuccino Americano

Classic drink of international primer. For this drink we need to make stronger coffee than normal.


  • 3 ounces of freshly made Tilawa Coffee. Stronger than normal
  • 1 cup of milk to your selection, hot but not boiling
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon
  • You will need a manual milk cream maker


Heat 6 ounces milk and froth them in a manual cremator. Then in a high cup, add 1 pinch of ground cinnamon to the bottom of the cup, then fill a third of the cup with hot, strong coffee. Mix to marinate the cinnamon with the coffee, and to finish complete the cup with the frothed milk.


Hours of Operation


7AM - 12PM

1PM - 5PM

Contact Us


El Dos, Quebrada Grande, Tilarán
Provincia de Guanacaste, 50802, Costa Rica

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